Galaxy Express 999 in Trainz

  • 14 years ago
... well, actually, no. It's actually an impersonator. The REAL GE999 is based off of the Japanese Railway's C-62 class (If I Recall Correctly). This is a Victorian Railways R Class (with a modified chassis) with an S Class's tender, and VR Coaches and brake van, too.

Still, the R Class is one of the closest engines to the Galaxy Express in Trainz. Hope you enjoy it.

Also available on Veoh if you want to rate it by a five-star system, and YouTube for views and all the popular kids.

Oh, yeah, BTW, whenever I load up FRAPS, my FPS seems to be degenerating massively. That is, when I record with Fraps, it degenerates from 19-20 FPS to 4 or 3. It used to only degenerate to 9, which was acceptable. But 3 or 4 frames per second is just AWFUL.

Could anyone help? I set it on half-size, with synch, no sound, no cursor, at 29.97 FPS.
