Sammy - Babe Come Down

  • 14 years ago
Sammy were drafted into The Word at the last minute after another band couldn't come on. Couldn't find a lot about them but this was a pretty decent tune so I just got lazy and lifted the little bit on them from Wikipedia;

Sammy was the partnership of guitarist Luke Wood and guitarist/vocalist Jesse Hartman. The band was initially signed to Smells Like Records, the label owned by Sonic Youth drummer Steve Shelley. Later the band signed to DGC/Geffen. The band was signed to Fire Records in the UK and Europe.

The band released three albums before calling it quits. Debut Album (issued in 1994) and Kings of the Island Empire (issued in 1995) were both put out by Smells Like Records. Their final full-length, Tales of Great Neck Glory, which was issued by DGC/Geffen, followed in 1996 shortly before the band decided to split up.