Polish Yeti Caught Spying On Bikini Girl

  • 14 years ago

The Polish Yeti allegedly roaming the Tatra mountains has been spotted again already.

19 year old Justyna Folger has come forward with a video of her on a camping trip.

Folger reported to Superexpress how the hairy creature stalked her as she swanned around in her bikini as her boyfriend filmed with his free hand.

“I wandered into the river for a dip when I realised that something was on the opposite shore,” she said.

“At first I thought it was a bear but it appeared to be stooping and then it raised itself on to two legs and ran off. I couldn’t believe it.”

Mountain rangers are now searching for the unidentified beast, and they’re confident they’ll find it if it exists.

“We are investigating the matter. If there is something out there we will find it.” National Park Guards Commander Edward Wlazlo told Superexpress.

