Deep Surface

  • il y a 14 ans
A Concert - Interactive Multimedia Performance in Homage to the Sea
Music / Dance / Video - All rights reserved
Deep Surface is a concert/multimedia performance inspired on the Sea. It is born out of the collaboration between Paris-based artists Sabrina Montiel-Soto (visual and video), Walid Breidi (multimedia), Miami-based dancer Sandra Portal-Andreu (dance and choreography) and the initiative of Gabriel E. Pulido (composer and multimedia). Although Deep Surface is mainly a contemporary art piece, through a new multimedia artistic perspective it also seeks to remind the audience about the Sea’s importance to humanity and the necessity of its preservation. The performance is a homage to the Sea.
Guest musicians Abi Loutou (cello), Ebonee Thomas (flute), Ali Kringel (voice), and Rafael Solano (percussion) were invited to participate.
Miami Beach, Sleepless Night Festival, November 7th. In the midst of one of the windiest nights of the year, happy-art-hungry crowds flocked to Miami Beach to experience a unique cultural experience: a 13-hour free-cultural festival called Sleepless Night, after the “Nuit Blanche” in Paris. In this exciting contest, Deep Surface was premiered at the Ocean Drive Main Stage, outdoors, on the beach, between streets 8th and 9th streets with one main screen and surround sound in front of one thousand attendees aproximately.
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