• il y a 15 ans
Commentaire audio de Pierre Schoendoerffer, caméraman au SCA (Service Cinématographique des Armées, alias ECPAD), durant le siège de Dien Bien Phu, Tonkin (Viêt-nam) en Indochine française du 13 mars au 7 mai 1954. Closed Captions coming ASAP.
I.COGNY-CASTRIES RADIO CALLS part I (1954): Original radio calls between Colonel Christian de La Croix de Castries (commander of the Dien Bien Phu camp) and his superior General Cogny (commander of the French Union forces in Northern Vietnam aka Tonkin) based in Hanoi.
II.INTRODUCTION (1964): Radio journalists Michel Lellone and Michel Leblanc (both from RTL) sum up the end of the siege.
III. AUDIO COMMENTARY part I (1964). Pierre Schoendoerffer (French Army cameraman) comments on the 5th Vietnamese Airborne Battalion aka Bawouan (5e BPVN: Bataillon Parachutiste Viêt-Namien / TDND5: Tieu Doan Nha Du 5) assault on Eliane 1 hill.


