Profondément inquiets des évolutions récentes de la Justice et des perspectives de réformes, syndicats et associations de tous les professionnels de la Justice ont décidé de s’unir pour défendre une justice de qualité, égale pour tous, indépendante et dotée des moyens nécessaires à son action.
Profoundly worried about recent evolutions of the Justice and about perspectives of reforms, labor unions(syndicates) and associations of all the professionals of the Justice decided to unite to defend(forbid) an equal, quality justice for all, independent and endowed with the necessary means in his(her,its) action(share).
Profoundly worried about recent evolutions of the Justice and about perspectives of reforms, labor unions(syndicates) and associations of all the professionals of the Justice decided to unite to defend(forbid) an equal, quality justice for all, independent and endowed with the necessary means in his(her,its) action(share).