Peru Airlines - Cajamarca

  • 14 years ago
The beautiful north Andean town of Cajamarca is an unlikely spot to be the point from which the Spanish started their conquest of Peru in 1532.

It was here that they captured the Inca Atahualpa and held him for ransom.
Six tons of gold and silver was delivered in exchange for his life, but fearing reprisals the Spanish took the precious metals and killed their hostage.
Today, Cajamarcas laid back serenity belies that violent history.
Atahualpas ransom room remains intact, the last vestige of Inca architecture in a quiet colonial town.
Its Andean-Baroque style Cathedral and the churches of San Francisco, Belén and La Recoleta front the graceful Plaza de Armas.

At the center of the main square is an ornate fountain built in 1692 to commemorate the bicentennial of Columbus' landing in the Americas.