222 - [Tr] MacMontage 10 [Trailer]

  • 14 years ago
[Trailer for Extra Members Show] Time for a MacMontage show! This week it's a mixture of a few hacks and mods, a great free Safari plugin in and a "behind the scenes" glimpse of how we handle email here at ScreenCastsOnline. In detail. the show covers: Copying and Pasting Email Addresses - Snow Leopard has changed the default behaviour so I point to a terminal command that set things back the way they should be! Modifying Grid View in iTunes 9 - Lots of complaints about the white background on the Grid view in the latest version of iTunes. How to reset it to a darker colour. Hidden Keyboard Shortcuts - Some pretty neat keyboard shortcuts to allow you to control your audio plus access some system preference panes directly ClickTo Flash - At last, a way to tame the beast that is Flash! A free Safari plugin that allows you to control what Flash content is displayed as you browse the interwebs. Cut down the distractions, stop your CPU from revving up and keep the heat down on your laptop. This great plugin also allows you control over YouTube, letting you default to H.264 formatted content and even download YouTube videos to your Mac in H.264 format for direct use in iTunes. Email Tools and Processes - This section covers how I've adapted my email workflow to allow for the sharing of the ScreenCastsOnline mailbox with Mrs Don, and demonstrates how I pass emails on for further processing using a combination of automated and manual rules processing. I also include a rather smart utility from eCamm which allows you to have multiple badges on your email dock icon to keep track of the contents of multiple mailboxes - Dockstar. There's even a 35% discount coupon included! Please note that if you're receiving this notification via the ScreenCastsOnline email notification service, the link inserted below is for access to the free version (or trailer) of this show. If you're a ScreenCastsOnline Extra Member you should receive the members version of the show via iTunes or directly from the ScreenCastsOnline Extra ...