India Celebrates Holi Color Festival Holiday

  • 14 years ago
Celebrations are underway for the Indian festival of Holi. Festivities were held in Indian Kashmir to mark the occasion. Let's take a look.

The streets of India became a kaleidoscope of color, as locals celebrated 'Holi'.

The Hindu festival of colors marks the arrival of spring.

People take to the streets, smearing one another with brightly colored powders which represent triumph over evil, in the form of energy, life and joy.

At the famous Iskcon temple, priests chanted and danced. Even tourists got swept up in the emotion.

[Mario, Tourist]:
"It is just awesome and Holi is so special. I feel happy, really, really happy -I can't describe my feelings right now."

In Indian Kashmir, soldiers downed their weapons, instead arming themselves with packets of colored powder.

[Kamal Kumar, Central Reserve Police Force]:
"Everybody should see that we are all celebrating Holi together here. As a family we celebrate this festival. Soldiers from all parts of India are celebrating it together. This spreads a message of peace and prosperity. It is a very good feeling."

The festival is being celebrated throughout the nation.

At the home of Sonia Gandhi, chief of India's ruling Congress party, children were given sweets.

Revelers at the residence of Sheila Dixit, the Chief Minister of New Dehli, had an almighty water fight… throwing buckets of brightly colored water at one another.

After the party, though, comes the cleanup, which won't be nearly as much fun.