Three on Trial over New Case of Tainted Milk Products

  • 14 years ago
In China, three employees of a Shanghai based dairy company are standing trial. They are facing charges over a new batch of contaminated milk products.

In Shanghai three employees of Shanghai Panda Dairy Co. went on trial on Thursday (February 25).

Corporate Representative Wang Yuechao, General Manager Hong Qide and Deputy General Manager Che Dehua are accused of making milk flavoring with melamine-tainted condensed milk.

According to the state-run Xinhua news agency, the milk they used had been returned by a dealer after the 2008 tainted milk scandal.

Xinhua stated that Shanghai Panda Dairy Co. was found to have produced 6,520 cases of milk flavoring between February and April last year. Some of it had already expired and contained more than 34 milligrams of melamine per kilo—well over the legal limit of 2.5 milligrams.

Melamine is normally used in making plastics, fertilizers and even concrete. When added to milk, it can make the protein content appear higher than it actually is.

In 2008 more than 300,000 children fell ill and at least six died from ingesting the melamine-tainted milk products, according to state statistics. Most of it was produced by the now-bankrupt Sanlu group.

Over the past few months new cases of melamine tainted milk have appeared in China. Some were from old batches that weren’t destroyed after the 2008 scandal.