Réalisée par Didier Albert et produite par ALMA productions, la saga 2007 de TF1 fait appel à de nombreux effets spéciaux, avec près de 250 plans truqués par l'équipe Trimaran pour 12 épisodes de 50mn qui ont été diffusés tous les mercredis du 20 juin au 25 juillet 2007. Les effets visuels représentent plus de 6 mois de travail pour une équipe de 15 personnes. C'est la première fois qu'une série TV produite en France utilise autant les effets spéciaux numériques. Il faut dire que le sujet s'y prête parfaitement. Avec les effets d'avion dans la tempête, de crop circles, lasers, rayons et manifestations des extra-terrestres tout au long des épisodes, et les effets de la séquence finale.
Directed by Didier Albert and produced by ALMA Productions, the 2007 TV saga made for french tv TF1 had required a numerous digital visual effects. With nearly 300 composited shots, the Trimaran team had to work on the visual effects during 6 months long with no less than 12 persons. For a total of 12 episodes of 50 minutes, the TV serial was broadcasted from the 20th of June until the 25th of July.
Stormy weather, aircraft boeing 737 and aircraft turbulences, crop circle, laser, blue rays, thunder and alien apparition and artefacts was one of the reasons to make the first TV show who involved so many digital visual effects. Our team uses all the digital effects tools as 3D animations, compositing, morphing, tracking, particules...
Directed by Didier Albert and produced by ALMA Productions, the 2007 TV saga made for french tv TF1 had required a numerous digital visual effects. With nearly 300 composited shots, the Trimaran team had to work on the visual effects during 6 months long with no less than 12 persons. For a total of 12 episodes of 50 minutes, the TV serial was broadcasted from the 20th of June until the 25th of July.
Stormy weather, aircraft boeing 737 and aircraft turbulences, crop circle, laser, blue rays, thunder and alien apparition and artefacts was one of the reasons to make the first TV show who involved so many digital visual effects. Our team uses all the digital effects tools as 3D animations, compositing, morphing, tracking, particules...
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