Ensemble pour un meilleur Bien-Être Mental ( Santé Mentale ) en Europe. Stop à l'individualisme extrême apprenons a tendre la main et a écouter l'autre.
WEB Site : http://www.pslr.org
Together for Mental Health and Well-being in EEC ( Europe )
Dans le cadre du concours organisé par la Commission Européenne et Dailymotion concernant l'Europe aujourd'hui. Robert DOUSSAN Président de l'Association Parents-Brisés.org et Membre de PSLR ( Prévention Suicide Languedoc Roussillon ) soumet son petit clip et message d'amour.
Europe joins forces on mental health 11% of Europe's citizens suffer from mental disorders. Depression, phobias, and dependency on medication and alcohol are all rising, and they can often have disastrous consequences.
Every nine minutes someone commits suicide in the European Union.
It was chaired by Androulla Vassiliou, Member of the EC in charge of Health, and included key note speeches by Vladimír Špidla ...
WEB Site : http://www.pslr.org
Together for Mental Health and Well-being in EEC ( Europe )
Dans le cadre du concours organisé par la Commission Européenne et Dailymotion concernant l'Europe aujourd'hui. Robert DOUSSAN Président de l'Association Parents-Brisés.org et Membre de PSLR ( Prévention Suicide Languedoc Roussillon ) soumet son petit clip et message d'amour.
Europe joins forces on mental health 11% of Europe's citizens suffer from mental disorders. Depression, phobias, and dependency on medication and alcohol are all rising, and they can often have disastrous consequences.
Every nine minutes someone commits suicide in the European Union.
It was chaired by Androulla Vassiliou, Member of the EC in charge of Health, and included key note speeches by Vladimír Špidla ...