Canada's Negligence in Vancouve Olympic 2010 Killed Athlete!

  • 15 years ago
the right honourable major Nourhaghighi, safety officer, stated that there was 100% Canadians architectes' negligence was the main cause of death of Nodar Kumaritashvili, 21 was that the metal poles where located too close to the track, they were located right angle to the track and they were not covered with heavy plastic pad that if athlete lost control and hit pole be safe, as the put safety pad for all pole at sports area.

Major Nourhaghighi added that the Canadian media trying to mislead the public and make the victim gulity whereas ONLY Canadian Olympic is liable and must pay damages to the victim family.

a déclaré qu'il ya eu négligence de 100% architectes des Canadiens est la principale cause de décès de Nodar Kumaritashvili, 21 précise que les poteaux métalliques où ils sont situés trop près de la piste, ils étaient situés à l'angle droit piste et ils n'ont pas été couverts de tapis de plastique épais que si l'athlète a perdu le contrôle et cliquez pole être sûrs
