Melamine Scandal: Chinese Regime Bans Independent Reporting

  • 14 years ago
The Chinese regime has banned independent reporting on the latest melamine toxic milk scandal.

The Guandong Province Propaganda Department issued an order stating, all media are only allowed to use information formally released by authorities.

General Secretary of The International Federation of Journalists, Aidan White, says this latest media ban in China “raises further concerns about prioritizing censorship over the wellbeing of citizens.”

In 2008, six children died and more than 300,000 fell ill from consuming melamine-contaminated milk products, according to state-run media.

Adding melamine to milk products makes the protein content appear higher. When ingested by humans, it can cause kidney failure and other serious health problems.

In this most recent melamine scandal, tainted products have been produced by companies across China, including Shanghai, Guizhou and Liaoning Province in the northeast.