Brazil Sends Aid to Earthquake-Hit Haiti

  • 14 years ago
Brazil's National Food Supply Company (CONAB) boxed roughly 15 tons of food to be dispatched to earthquake-stricken Haiti on Wednesday. Brazil will also donate $10-15 million dollars.

In a news conference in Brazil, the Haitian ambassador in Brazil, Idalbert Pierre-Jean, said his country was in urgent need for drugs, food, water and people to help recover from the catasrophe.

He added that the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti, or MINUSTAH, would have to work hard to prevent widespread crime in the country.

[Idalbert Pierre-Jean, Haitian Ambassador in Brazil]:
"Now it is up to the Haitian officials, especially MINUSTAH, where over one million Brazilians live, to help the government battle crime."

Hundreds of boxes filled with protein-rich food and water were loaded onto five air force planes in Rio de Janeiro for both civilian aid and use by troops.

Top army officer General Enzo Peri and Defense Minister Nelson Jobim left for Haiti to assess the situation.

[Nelson Jobim, Brazil Defense Minister]:
"There is an access issue in our military headquarters, in Brazil's base itself. But this is being taken care of and we should leave around noon to evaluate the situation and verify on the spot what the picture is and take the necessary actions."

Brazil leads the U.N. peacekeeping force deployed to Haiti in 2004 after a rebellion by gangs and former soldiers forced elected Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide into exile.