Funeral home Seven Wonders Of The Medieval World Posted By:


by Tytelgraphics

The wonders of the world are divided according to the three different ages which are Ancient, Medieval and Modern respectively. This article talks about the Seven Wonders of the medieval era.

1. Stonehenge

There are many big long-cut stones which have been arranged in the most extraordinary pattern, the reason behind arranging the stone in this pattern is subject to much speculation and study.

2. The Colosseum

The Colosseum is heart located in the of Rome city. This colossal structure speaks at a stretch about the glorious past of The Roman Empire. This empire boldly faced the numerous hardships which came into its way and which later resulted in the demise of the Roman Empire.

3. The Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa

Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa are the funeral halls which are cut in rock. One of the special features of Catacombs is that it consists of the galleries for the dead one and there are places where the death rites can be conducted