Live Longer Cleanse - Naturally Detox Body Rejuvenation

  • 14 years ago You will learn about: The importance of liver detoxification and how to do it. Why its important to detoxify the body of heavy metals; it’s signs and symptoms, common sources, as well as how to do it. Why common food sensitivities sabotage your efforts to become healthy no matter how much you try to improve your lifestyle. How to cleanse your colon and lymph of toxins. Why live juicing and smoothies add years to your life. How to eliminate candida yeast infections simply and easily. Why Lyme disease with its neurotoxic waste, is the underlying cause of many neurological diseases, including MS, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and many more and discover what to do about it. Why EMF pollution is the most dangerous form of pollution. Strategies for creating radiant health. Produced By