Sport Wien TV - Short Portrait Gabi Steindl, Kitesurf-Pro

  • vor 15 Jahren
Coming back to my homecountry after a great season 2009, Sport Wien TV invited me to their headoffice for an interview. This is the first short TV-broadcast from 07.12.2009, a portrait about myself with images from my latest media-baby 'Discovering Kite-Paradise Papua New Guinea'. Papua New Guinea (or short: PNG), a place that most people couldn't even locate on the map. I was sick of clichees and prejudices about cannibalsm and other threats that the media portrays so often... given the geographical location, I was sure, PNG would offer sick kitesurfing and packed my 70kg North quiverbag and jumped onto a plane...
The film about my trip will be broadcasted shortly, I'll keep u updated on!
