OLLANTAYTAMBO Destructed by Deluge 4

  • il y a 15 ans
These stones are unique, their straight sides and unusual spacers being in total contrast to the multi-faced joints and bevelled edges of other megalithic walls in Peru. Exactly how the stones were so perfectly shaped is unknown, since they were carved out of red porphyry, a stone as hard as granite. The great mystery of Ollantaytambo is how these six 50-ton stones were moved to their present location, since the quarry from which they came has been definitively identified at Chachicata four miles away across the valley on the opposite mountainside! Having first quarried the stones, it would be necessary to take them down a steep mountain slope, across a river, and then up another steep mountain slope to the construction site. It seems to be an impossible task. G.Vega reported 20,000 Incas to pull a tired stone up a mountain side. The event ended in tragedy, with thousands of people being killed when they lost control of the huge stone.