Home Workout Program For Fat Loss

  • 15 years ago
http://www.yunbootcamps.com/holidayworkout.html Click the link above to get your free Holiday Quickie Workout Guide. Jason Yun performs a 5 exercise Tabata Circuit for you to burn fat during the holiday season or any season. It's guaranteed to keep your workouts short and your body strong and sexy. Those six pack abs are just months away. This is a home workout program or you can do it at the gym. Tabata 20/10 Circuit Round 1-Vertical Jumps Round 2- Supermans Round 3- Reverse Lunges Round 4- Burpees/Jumping Jacks Round 5-Scissor Lunges/1-leg hip pop ups For the final 3 rounds you pick the exercises based on rounds 1-5 Don't forget to subscribe to videos. And Rate and COmment Below