Escales Orientales, Cie Ambre / Travelling Free to the East

  • il y a 15 ans
from the show "Escales Orientales ou le voyage dansé en toute liberté" ("Travelling Free to the East") by Amber Dance company (Cie Ambre) at the Reine Blanche theatre on the 28th of november 2009

"Escales Orientales" or "Travelling Free to the East" portrays the rich diversity of the Middle-Eastern World. From Egypt to Turkey, from Palestine to Iran, from Andalucia to Tunisia or Israel, reaching as far as India, the paths drawn by the compagnie Ambre are multiple but convergent. Anouk Hingant, Yasmine Louati and Marilyne Giorno, all of mixed ethnic and cultural descent, play on their differences and deliberately ignore boundaries.

Each dancer and chorographer, influenced by her unique cultural heritage, reveals her vision and interpretation of the Middle Eastern World (and beyond) through her own imagination and personal dance style. With "Escales Orientales", the dancers of the compagnie Ambre invite their audience to follow them in their journey."
