Underground Reptilian City Discovered In Egypt

  • il y a 15 ans
Une vidéo tiré de la série de Hashems Films: "The Antichrist will be a reptilian shape-shifter".

Can you just tell us sir what it is exactly that they found in a place here in Cairo?
Its in a place called Helmeyat Al Zayton, this is the place where the tree of Mary lies. They were building there for the Subway System and they dug about 100 or 200 meters deep. And they found a tunnel, where people were just walking around normally. The only difference between us and them is that they had tails. They reported this incident immediately to the President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak. He ordered that everything be re-shut without anyone knowing and especially without the people below the ground knowing. And thats how that ended, now everything is shut and you can walk over it normally but they are bellow. This is in a place called Helmeya, the City "Eye of the Sun" is a part of it
