• 15 years ago
There’s no doubt that Christmas is a time for indulgence. The festive season goes hand in hand with food, drink and general merriment. We often present each other with boxes of chocolates, give children sweets and lay on hug roast dinners for friends and family – so why is so hard when it comes to wine?!

Is handing over a bottle of plonk an easy option for the in-laws? Do you spend hours trawling for that special bottle that reminds a loved one of a favourite holiday? Can you really get away with buying that three for £10 offer and divvying them up?

According to a new study from Gallo wine more than three quarters of us say we’d buy someone a bottle of wine for Christmas and around a third of us say we’d like to receive one as a gift – but a quarter of people say they never know what to spend on a bottle of wine as present or they get confused or daunted by the wide selection that’s on offer. Furthermore 16% of people reckon that wine is such a personal thing that they’d find it almost impossible to choose something suitable for someone else.

So, is wine an “easy” gift this Christmas? Does it get you out of an uninspired present drought? Or are you at risk of getting something so revolting you’ll be struck off your mate’s Christmas card list for life – or worse get offered it when you go round on New Years Day?

Joe Wadsack can reveal how to get it right and how to be brave in the supermarket aisle.