Lima Travel Vacations - Lima Tourist Attractions

  • 15 years ago

Lima, Its the capital city of Peru, and the only large city on the Pacific coast of South America.

With 8 million people living in the rain shadow cast by the Andes mountain range, Lima is the second largest desert city in the world, behind Cairo in Egypt.
Its now considered the gastronomic capital of the continent, with Peruvians proud to show off their unique cuisine.

Dozens of restaurants serve the national dish ceviche, using lime juice to cook raw fish and seafood.. Its also the birthplace of the novo andino movement that combines ancient Inca ingredients with the latest trends in high cuisine, and Lima now has the most cooking schools of any city in the world, with trainee chefs eager to learn the trade.

A string of gardens connect the financial, cultural and tourist areas of the city, leading down to the Parque del Amor at the top of cliffs overlooking the beaches and rolling surf of the Pacific coastline....
