WALLY ON THE RUN Remastered Version

  • 15 years ago

In case you were unaware of comedian Steve Martin's contest to make a video about his dog for his song "Wally on the Run" from his banjo album "The Crow", I just wanted to show you my two submissions for his consideration. I must admit that I have been obsessed with this contest for the past month and a half. I have banjo music playing in my mind constantly, and visions of doggie plums dancing through my head. It's tough making a video about a dog when you don't actually own one, lol, so I improvised with my own personal version of Wally, the yellow lab.

Steve basically wanted a video of dogs running and playing, chasing horses, catching frisbees, running around in the yard. But I took a totally different approach, and focused on comedy as opposed to some dog chasing a stick. It's probably not what he was looking for, but it felt good to get my creative juices flowing and embark on my new 'career' as a film maker. Hey, I see you rolling your eyes!

Anyway, here are my videos. And yes, I know, they are far from perfect, but this is my very first attempt ever at making, producing, directing, adding music, and editing a video, besides the simple point and shoot videos that I make from my cell phone. I submitted one and am awaiting the second to be added, but I may have missed the deadline yesterday, but at least I have one video entered, and hope springs eternal! And it's a good feeling knowing that Steve Martin actually viewed my video and acknowledged my existence by approving my first entry. "Your video has been added to the group "Steve Martin "Wally on the Run" " on Dailymotion‏."

Even if I don't win, I had a blast the past month taking pictures and videos of all things Wally. This contest was a great idea, and gave me the push to do something that I have been wanting to do for years. I'm sure hope that all of the contestants had as great a time as I did working on this project, and I wish everyone the best of luck.

and Geaux SAINTS!