
  • 15 years ago

Rose(Heather Graham), an optometrist paralysed by grief after the death of her infant, has built a wall around herself. When a elderly patient, a painter losing his eyesight begins to visit her office unannounced, Rose registers his loneliness and urges him to ask for help - something that neither one does easily. Meanwhile Simon, a teenage photographer with an overbearing mother, photographs people at a distance with a borrowed long lens. When Rose comes into his focus, he captures her on film, and the pictures he takes connects them, and provides a way out for each of them from their self-imposed exile., the movie streaming website, features independent films to watch online or download for PS3, PSP, iPhone or PC. View the best collection of international movies fast and easily via live stream or download in quality up to Full HD 720 on internet enabled devices such as PS3, PSP, iPhone or PC.