New York on-line journalist, poet and conspiracy theorist Jerry Mazza joined RT to share his ideas on 9/11, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan - and the effects they've had on the American psyche
alex jones ron paul infowars prison planet bush obama nwo 9/11 inside job nsa cia fbi spying big brother watching al-Qaida 11 September 2001 Terror New York Osama bin Laden Bush Biden Cheney False Flag Inside Job Truth Conspiracy Theory Iraq Afghanistan Niels Harrit Gage Jones Controlled Demolition Nano Thermite Dust WTC Patriot Act NWO World Order
alex jones ron paul infowars prison planet bush obama nwo 9/11 inside job nsa cia fbi spying big brother watching al-Qaida 11 September 2001 Terror New York Osama bin Laden Bush Biden Cheney False Flag Inside Job Truth Conspiracy Theory Iraq Afghanistan Niels Harrit Gage Jones Controlled Demolition Nano Thermite Dust WTC Patriot Act NWO World Order