• 16 years ago

he year's most controversial album is audacious, haunting and emphatically not an al-Qaeda recruitment manual, writes Chris Campion
All is War has already struck a chord before a note has even been heard. You will no doubt have read that it has a song extolling suicide bombers and another fantasising about the destruction of America by Islam. There have been calls for its maker Aki Nawaz (the mainstay of Fun-Da-Mental) to be arrested in order to prove the effectiveness of the government's anti-terrorism laws. The tabloids have printed his picture next to that of Osama bin Laden. There's no denying that this is a record explicitly designed to provoke, from the title to its cover (depicting the Statue of Liberty hooded and wired like an Abu Ghraib prisoner) through to the lyrics of songs such as 'Cookbook DIY'...
