• 16 years ago
An operatic drama-romance about assassins and revenge. It bears little relation with Thomas Mann's famous novella of the same name - except for the title, and perhaps its ultimate subject matter: irresistible forces inside us that bring us to our demise.

- Written by Kate Lee
- Directed by Kate Lee & Sherwin Liu

Jason "AnotherNewDawn" Leonti as Marc
Sonya Cross as Julia
Victoria Erica as Claire
Virginia "Dulci" Maddy as Melanie
Ken White as Sebastian
Julia J.H.P. as Scarlett and Violet
Amanda Mack as Mary Ellen
Mike Gorman as Bodyguard #1 and Italian Man

- Custom mods by Bongoman
- Original music by Sherwin Liu
- Special thanks to NeoNoir

- Made with Moviestorm 1.1.6, http://moviestorm.co.uk
- Mods
Bongoman, MarvelousGuppiMovies, DavidWWW, Overman
Google 3D Warehouse
- Music
"Thumbing Through Blank Pages" by Sonorant (Engulfed EP) from Jamendo.com, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
Giuseppe Verdi's "La Forza del Destino", recorded in 1941, "Rigoletto", recorded in 1950, "La Traviata", recorded in 1946, Edizione LiberMusica, a cura di:Marco Calvo, http://www.marcocalvo.it/. Stefano D'Urso, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/
"Beautiful Love" (Standards II) by Viktor Sethy from Jamendo.com, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
- Graphics
"Venetian Mask" by Eustaquio Santimano, http://www.flickr.com/photos/eustaquio/3277645121/sizes/o/, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ (CC Attribution 2.0)
- Sounds from Freesound.org
21062007.evening.wav by Dobroide
"Garden Soundscape" by Luftrum
"Tokyo street at night" by MarkyStar
"Bells Collegiata M. Varchi" by Fonogeno
"Venice walkthrough" by thanvannispen
