Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica Relief Treatment with Ice

  • 15 years ago Day 5 The 30 Day Neck Pain, Back Pain and Sciatica Relief Challenge! Today we will discuss ice vs heat. Until recently everyone believed heat was best for pain relief.

For as long as I can remember, which is a long time (but not as long as my kids think it is!), people have been telling me to use heat for relief and treatment of my neck pain, back pain and sciatica. Interestingly, this even includes medical pratitioners...including physical therapists and orthopedic surgeons. However, the most recent research seems to indicate that ice and not heat is the best neck pain, back pain, and/or sciatica relief strategy, both short term and long term.

Professor John P. J. Zajaros, Sr., The Bad Back Guy
216-712-6526 (home-call anytime)
Skype: johnzajaros1


