Improve Concentration For Class 3 - Focusing on the ...

  • 15 years ago - “Keep the main thing the main thing.” Sounds simple. Tough to do. Most want to focus on studying. When it comes down to it, they focus on anything but study. Isn’t it frustrating? Here’s what one student shared after watching this video: “This video really helped me a lot. I followed what it told me to do. I listed down ALL the things I’m focused at (for real) and asked myself basic yes-and-no questions. It went like this: You want to pass, right? (duh.) You want an A? (duh.) Is taking down notes helping? (I think.) Is watching the TV—which I love—helping? (…) What about net surfing for at least three hours a day (…) I want to deny I’m spending most of my time - pretty much not doing anything. At least school sticks in the back of my head. I’m thinking about it. But that’s not the same as DOING something about it! AGGHHHH! I’m rambling… Thanks Mr. A”
