Student Motivation 4 - Nightmares Go Away, Here Comes My A

  • 15 years ago - Imagine that you’re in your class and here comes the teacher. Does that teacher have good news or bad news to share with you? Most students will tell me it’s BAD NEWS! Makes you wonder why we have such nightmarish images when it comes to teachers, classes and grades, right? And that’s because we think we’re gonna fail. We haven’t even tried anything yet and we automatically think the worst. But if you want to pass, like really pass with good grades, it’s gotta mean something important to you. Say each test you aced got you closer to being handed a suit case stuffed with hundred dollar bills. The more steps you took, the closer you’d be to those fat stacks of cash. By the time you’re just a few steps away, you’d do what ever it took, right? College graduates make over a million dollars more in a lifetime. Keep moving forward.
