Erick Morrillo Rocks the house. See MSN Video, Google Video

  • 15 years ago
Erick Morrillo Rocks the house. See MSN Video, Google Video... Subliminal would not exist if it were not for Morillo. It is famously led by this master of promotion who through his larger than life personality and his passion for Dance Music has propelled the label ever forward. Erick is truly unique. As a DJ, producer and chief A & R of his own label his philosophy is simple; he picks up the records that he knows will cause seismic reactions on his dance floors. “It’s all about signing records that I would play and that would have a big effect on the crowd anywhere in the world”. Erick now brings us the first compilation release of ‘09 on the label; ‘Subliminal Sessions Summer 09’. As seen on Yahoo Movies, Google Video, Youtube, Internet Music Channels, MTV, MSN Video, Google Vids, Facebook Music Channels, Facebook Groups and Twitter following Video.
