Become CEO of YOU, Inc. with Style Expert Alison Deyette

  • 15 years ago
For more info visit No matter where the day takes you, you’ve probably given some thought to the image you’re projecting, the outfit and accessories you’re wearing and what they tell the world about you. And in these challenging and hectic times you’re probably wearing more hats than ever: you’re a mom and an employee, you’re starting a small side business and you’re volunteering for your favorite charity. But how can you create an overarching image and refine your look, your style, your brand to reflect everything you do, if you can’t spend a ton of money or hire a stylist? From dressing the part to using personalized business and calling cards as accessories to show what they’re up to, everyday people are taking personal branding to new levels. In a time when networking is critical to success – in life as much as it is in your career – presenting yourself in the best possible light can instill confidence and make a lasting first impression. These days, there are resources out there to help.


