Extract 2 from the 2008 stage production of THE FIRST TO GO

  • 15 years ago
Nazi Germany.
A Sanatorium for the Disabled
A cocktail party where Nazi Doctors and Goebbels discuss methods of killing disabled people. Meanwhile the three story-tellers, Heide, Helmut and Siegfried debate issues of perfection.


Cerrie Burnell - BRUNHILDE
Alan Clay - Helmut
Nick Field - Goebbels / Stauffenberg / Dr. Gottfried Gegner
Catherine Gillard - Dr. Eva Dreck / Else / Nina von Stauffenberg
Kenny Harvey - Dr. Karl Spottgeburt / Dr. Brandt / Treskow
Robyn Hunt - Heide
Rod Matthew - Dr. Todt / Fritz / Hitler / Sauerbruch
Nabil Shaban - Siegfried

Production team

Peter Clerke - Director
Designer - Gordon Davidson
Tim Brinkhurst - Musical Director
Christine Ross - Costume Designer
Paul Sorley - LX Designer
Davy O'Neil - Production Manager
Jo Kennedy - Stage Manager