Facts About IP Change

  • 15 years ago
http://www.change-ip-proxy.com/ Software technology that allows rapid IP change and routing of internet connection through multiple proxy servers has proved to be an effective antidote to threats to our privacy and security on the internet. It is a certainity that the moment you go on line, your computer starts is connected a vast network of computers on the internet. This is made possible because your computer identified from its IP (Internet Protocol) address. There are five major consequences of unprotected browsing, Your IP address can be used by hackers to get access to your computer. But if you use an IP changer software for rapid IP Change you can surf anonymously. You are confronted with threat from viruses, spyware and malware or malicious code that can track your computer use and access data on your computer and send it to websites or hackers. Your financial records on your computer or the information sent over the internet while making on line transactions can be stolen. Unauthorised people or businesses can monitor and trace your activities on the internet and thus profile you to market products to you or worse use your sensitive information for illegal purposes. : Crimes like stealing, intruding and implanting malicious codes or software are now common on the internet. But we have now reasonably effective counter measures such as anti spyware, antivirus software, fire walls and encrypted and anonymous surfing technologies to allow us a measure of security and privacy on the net. Recent introduction of software that allow you to surf anonymously by rapid IP change and use of proxy serveres has brought another level of security and privacy protection on the net. For more in depth information about IP change and anonymous surfing visit http://www.change-ip-proxy.com/
