• 15 years ago
In anul 2003, am corespondat intens cu artistul vizual Dan Perjovschi. Aveam zece ani si, normal, acumulam influente din toate directiile. Dan Perjovschi si-a asumat, oarecum, un rol didactic si m-a instruit in directii pe care, ma tem, nici academiile de arta nu le aprofundeaza cu adevarat.

Corespondam prin asemenea desene trimise prin posta...

In the year 2003, I was corresponding intensely with the visual artist Dan Perjovschi. I was ten years old and, naturally, I was accumulating influences from everywhere. Dan Perjovschi assumed himself a sort of didactic role and instructed me in directions that I think not even art academies don't truly deepen.

We were corresponding through such drawings sent by post...
