Recession Potluck

  • 15 years ago
The boogie man recession has us on the ropes with the funds needed to properly entertain, so we called out the troops to help us put together a pot luck dinner party. It coincided with Chinese New Years, so we had a fun theme to riff on. Everybody brought such delish offerings!
Chris and Joe brought Spring Rolls that were the perfect appetizer served at the saketini bar in the dance parlor.
Jessica and Thomas made the best saketinis I ever had! Vodka, sake, and a paper thin slice of cucumber.
Mitchell made a tasty fried rice.
Valorie did the braised ox tails, and they were really good.
Barbara and Edwin made a fantastic Asian salad.
Todd and Thomas were in charge of bringing the wine, and they got into the spirit of the theme, by wrapping the wine bottles in what they called "recession rap."
Jessica brought the Chinese green beans and all the saketini fixings, and Jon brought the magic.
Alberto cooked the noodles and used his Flip to record the party.