Save Tigers & Bobcats!

  • 15 years ago
!!!HELP SAVE THE TIGER & BOBCAT!!! The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, also known as CITES, is an international treaty designed to control and regulate international trade in certain animal and plant species that are now or potentially may be threatened with extinction. Currently, 175 countries, including the United States, are parties to CITES. The Convention calls for biennial meetings in which one of the functions is to consider amendments to the lists of species possibly threatened with extinction. We have a unique opportunity to provide public comments to 2 items related to big cats that the United States plans to submit for consideration. First, the US continues to support a strong stance on tiger conservation and efforts to address illegal trade in tiger and other Asian big cat parts and derivatives. Of course, Big Cat Rescue fully supports this position. Second, a proposal exists to remove Bobcats from the current list of protected species. BIG CAT RESCUE DOES NOT SUPPORT THIS POSITION. Please write a letter to our CITES representatives, and let them know that you support strong tiger conservation, but you insist that they keep the Bobcat under Appendix II Protection. Visit this page to use our sample letter: We CAN make a difference!

