• 16 years ago
http://AtticFoil.com - Radiant Barrier Paint vs. Radiant Barrier Foil - Which is better?

How to compare radiant barrier foil insulation to radiant barrier paints. The paints technically are not "Radiant Barriers" since they do not reflect over 90% of the radiant heat.

Radiant Barrier Attic Foil ALWAYS reflects 97% of the radiant heat. Different radiant barrier paint reflect between 15-75%. Plus variables like painting the rafters, how thin the paint is applied or if water is added to the paint can affect the final effectiveness. This video goes through the different variables with installing radiant barrier spray paint so you can get a good understanding of the differences between radiant barrier paint and radiant barrier foil insulation.

Order Radiant Barrier Online: http://AtticFoil.com

Visit http://AtticFoil.com for complete information on Do-It-Yourself Radiant Barrier Foil installations, tips and trricks.

