Original title
アイドルマスター ~ののワさんがブレイクダンスを踊ってみた~
It has derived from Haruka Amami(the character of the idol mastering) and "ののワ" Ascii-art with NonoWa-san.
∞ ∞ )
/ 凵凵凵凵 .| /
| | の の | | | <ののワ is a word that indicates the character of the mystery!
ノ ( ワ レ′し
 ̄/| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ ̄
/ .| |) )
し| ε/
.| |
| /⌒ヽ .| スッ
"ののワさん" finally debuted officially when various noting
it before the dance judge of the fourth eye mass anniversary tour in May, 2009 started.
アイドルマスター ~ののワさんがブレイクダンスを踊ってみた~
It has derived from Haruka Amami(the character of the idol mastering) and "ののワ" Ascii-art with NonoWa-san.
∞ ∞ )
/ 凵凵凵凵 .| /
| | の の | | | <ののワ is a word that indicates the character of the mystery!
ノ ( ワ レ′し
 ̄/| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ ̄
/ .| |) )
し| ε/
.| |
| /⌒ヽ .| スッ
"ののワさん" finally debuted officially when various noting
it before the dance judge of the fourth eye mass anniversary tour in May, 2009 started.