Bill McKeen's 4th of July Workout

  • 15 years ago
Not too long ago I began an ongoing Weekend Warrior Contest to my Kettlebell Boot Camp. Whoever video taped their weekend workout would get it published on my blog. I did have a couple rules, but mostly my goal is to encourage weekend activity. So far Bill McKeen is the only one to do this. He did an amazing job and came up with a great workout. Just so you are aware, 5 months ago, Bill broke his humerus head when he tripped on a soccer ball while playing in a weekend game. This actually happened right around Superbowl Sunday. He has worked EXTREMELY hard and now 5 months in his progress is way, way past what the doctors and physical therapists ever thought he would be at. It is because of his Warrior spirit and Kettlebell Boot Camp combination. He choose to come to my class instead of Physical Therapy. We're all glad he did. :) Here's the site where you can come be part of our Synergy Kettlebell Boot Camp Family: