Frozen Moments in Time by David Arsenault

  • 15 years ago
David Arsenault was first inspired by art in 1970 when he discovered a reproduction of Edward Hopper's painting "Gas" in a grade school library book. It wasn’t until the early ‘90s, however, when a professor reintroduced him to Hopper’s work, that he decided to study painting.

He uses large shapes and dramatic lighting with strong color contrasts in creating a compelling sense of mood, time and place. Each piece presents a private, quiet contemplation of the simple beauty of everyday existence.

He strives to describe moments of shared human experience by expressing the transformational qualities of light, a sense of deeply personal solitude, and the elusive “frozen moment in time.” As with all artists, he relies on the viewer to engage his or her unique thoughts, dreams, feelings, and experiences to complete the pictures in new and unexpected ways.