Kilian’s Corsican Quest - part 1

  • il y a 15 ans
Legs, heart and lungs are key elements on any trail-runner‘s honor roll but, in this first of a two part look at Kilian’s record-breaking dash down the GR20, it’s clear that the stomach is up there too…

You can burn a lot of calories maintaining an average speed of 5.5km/h over 180 km and, when you factor into that the 12,500m of net elevation gain Kilian had to conquer, the figures become astronomical. In keeping with his meticulous approach to planning, Kilian takes great care in preparing contents specific pouches for pickup in strategic spots along the length of the GR20 but someone still has to get them there. His gourmet fair for the GR gallop, consisting of high-calorie cakes, power-gels, fresh fruit, ubiquitous pails of pasta, and, of course, gallons of sugar-laced fluids were served up by his dedicated support crew at every mountain refuge along the route except Ortu di u Piubbu and Ciutuli di i Mori – that’s 10 all together. Without further refueling locations at Lac de Nino, Col de Cavallare, Col de Verde, Bocca di u Surdu, Vizzavona and Bavella, Kilian would either have been weighed down with excess baggage or collapsing from burnout… or both.