• il y a 16 ans
"An Pierlé & White Velvet" 2006


Zèbre de Belleville, Paris, 2007

Douceur, voix chaleureuse, énergie, spontanéité, originalité, pianiste talentueuse, telle est An Pierlé, née An Miel Mia Pierlé, chanteuse belge née en 1974 à Deurne, près d'Anvers.


Do best things come first?
I was in two minds
So I tried my luck
In the Garden of Dusk
where the Wise Snake presides

How was I to know
I'd be badly advised
Before I fell
from the blistering sky
With eyes opened wide


“Sso” said the Snake
“What bringsss you to me?”
He sizzled ‘bout “lusst”
And the “ssmall fare he'd charge”
as a favour to me

So warm was his breath
But so cooling his skin
That I forgot
Every warning I got
My resistance grew thin

And he said
Ssssssoon baby….
Ssssssoon baby…

Ooooh I guess you wonder…

The best things come first
Oh, where was my mind
I should've known
That a snake on a throne
Is bound to beguile

Ooooh yeah, I guess you wonder

And the instant I left I knew what not to decide
Lost my innocence due to my otherwise much revered pride
How stupid I was to rely on a snake's advice


