• 15 years ago
DAMANHUR: LABORATORY FOR THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY NEXT WEEK ON VBS! The Federation of Damanhur is a neopagan cult based out of the foothills of Northern Italy. In the late 70s they started work on the Temples of Humankind, a subterranean compound of massive, ornately decorated rooms that basically required them to hollow out an entire mountain in the Italian alps. Not only did they pull it off, but somehow they managed to keep the whole operation under wraps until 1991 when they were just about ready. At first, the Italian Government was all "WHAT?!" and tried to destroy the temples, but then they got inside and their Whats transformed into Whoas before finally settling into quiet Wows. Damanhur's residents believe in a lot of things that are either really awesome or really goofy (depending on how awesome/goofy you are), such as plants having the ability to make music. They also adopt the name and surname of a fauna and flojoining. Ring-Tailed-Lemur Oak is like their Luke Smith. See exclusive content at Dell Lounge