Disability advocate warns planned welfare cuts in spring statement will push disabled into povertyCredit: Sky News
00:00there is clearly a system there that is not going well and it does need reforming, which is why I'm
00:05very keen to work with the Labour government to ensure that we do this the right way. But targeting
00:11the disabled community, PIP especially, is the wrong way to do it. Can I please have this opportunity
00:18to make it very clear to the general public, PIP is a non-means-tested benefit. I've worked every
00:25single day I pay my taxes. I believe that disabled people should work and should contribute towards
00:30taxes. Again, taking away someone's personal independent payment or removing aspects of it,
00:36I mean having to score four points on the daily living component means genuinely probably we're
00:41going to lose about half of the claimants that currently do receive it cannot because they've
00:45made it so difficult pushing a lot of disabled vulnerable people into poverty. I just wish that
00:51the people around the table making these decisions was someone like
00:55myself and I hope moving forward whatever is announced later today.