• 3 days ago
A 10-year-old migrant boy was found wandering alone near the U.S.-Mexico border.

This comes as thousands of migrant children are being taken into U.S. custody. An immigration expert explains the root of the problem.
00:00Can you help me?
00:01What happened?
00:02I came with a group of people and they let me vote and I don't know where they are.
00:20Did you come with your mom or your dad?
00:22Nobody. I came with a group of people and they let me vote and I don't know where they are.
00:52What do you think is the most important thing for a parent to do?
01:00I think that it's important to understand that if at some point they're at the border and they get separated,
01:06whether it's because the parent confides their child to someone else, entrusts their child to someone else,
01:13we really have to look at what are the reasons why they're doing that, what are the conditions and what have they been promised.
01:19I think that one of the reasons is obviously because there's a certain instability that's political, economic,
01:28in their home countries, as well as social.
01:32What they want is to be able to find a better life for their child.
01:50Smugglers have always played a role in bringing people to the United States,
01:56but it's not heightened in the sense of what you see in the media.
02:01It's not that smugglers are recruiting and increasing the number of people so that they can get them across.
02:10They're one factor of how people get here, but they're not the primary factor that people get here.
02:19And if they find themselves in these remote areas and they find themselves lost,
02:28it's because we in the United States do not have the system to welcome them, to process them in a way that's orderly.
02:36The Trump administration has completely destroyed the asylum system that even though it was weak previously,
02:58it was a system that was in place and it's completely destroyed it.
03:01And so now the Biden administration is trying to rebuild it.
03:04And at the same time, trying to address the need of people that are coming, of children that are coming.
03:10We need welcoming centers that immediately address the social needs,
03:15and that also provide avenues for reunification with the families members who are here.
03:21You have a law enforcement agency, which is the border patrol,
03:25who has been trained on treating criminals,
03:29not on treating people who haven't committed a crime and who have only seeking refuge in a country.
03:37I think that that's where we need to focus on because then that in itself keeps people from having to find alternative means that can put them in danger.
03:59The only people we're not going to let sitting there on the other side of the Rio Grande by themselves with no help are children.
04:22The fact that children are exempt from that doesn't necessarily create the situation of saying,
04:27oh, that's the only reason why you have such a high number or that people are taking advantage and therefore sending their children.
04:34That's not the case. The political pundits and sometimes the media overanalyzes.
04:41I think it's important for us to remember and to understand that it is not necessarily driven by policy,
04:48it's driven by human needs in terms of what's happening.
04:53And right now, actually, at the beginning of the year is when you traditionally have seen an increase of people coming and seeking to enter the country, seeking asylum.
05:03It's really devastating to see a child. I mean, I have an 11 year old that could be my kid.
05:20I'm sure any parent or any person would feel terrible that something like this would happen to the child.
05:27But I do think that instead of, you know, taking these videos and placing the blame on migrants because they're out in the desert, that's not going to solve an issue.
05:40The issue needs to be solved with policy.
