Robin Williams died six years ago today — and his compassion for people will never be forgotten.
00:00It's the most moving thing is when you see children.
00:02You can't turn your back on them.
00:05It's basically that.
00:06When people talk about right to life,
00:07it doesn't end at the proposition of birth.
00:10Should be amended to a right to a decent life.
00:13They need your help, that's why we're here.
00:15People have the image of basically homelessness
00:16as being bums, as people, guys go, hey, how are ya?
00:19No, you see a six-month-old child,
00:21I think it'll change your perspective.
00:23Places like the House of Ruth,
00:25different places in, there's a place in LA,
00:27we've been, we're all over.
00:28We go, we deliver the checks, and you see the people,
00:31and you see families, you see children.
00:33They told a story last night of a five-year-old boy
00:35who had a nervous breakdown from moving around too much.
00:38No home, it's a simple concept.
00:41We've been holding the fort for a while,
00:42so we call the cavalry in.
00:45George, read my lips, help us.
00:47Thank you very much.