• 2 days ago
1969. Dr. Audrey Evans joins world-renowned children's hospital and battles sexism, medical conventions, and the subterf | dG1fTVZneXZ1R1hnYkE
00:00The American Pronunciation Guide Presents
00:05The leading force in oncology, Dr. Audrey Evans.
00:12Hello. Nothing more uplifting than pediatric cancer on a Thursday evening, hmm?
00:17Then you came along
00:21You got me all the time, girl
00:23I have bold ideas. Our standard therapy regimens are simply not aggressive enough to handle such a sinister disease.
00:31In fact, I'm actually waiting on results for a revolutionary staging system.
00:36Could be a huge breakthrough in cancer research.
00:39Add it to the queue. You'll be able to apply for funding in about a year.
00:42My children don't have a year.
00:44I'm so sorry.
00:46I don't want you to be sorry.
00:48I want you to save my daughter.
00:54Miss, you can't go back there. Miss!
00:57She got Jarvis Pharmaceutical to sponsor her study.
01:00It's as if the rules don't apply.
01:02Keep on keeping on!
01:04Imagine a house for families of sick children to stay for free.
01:09People travel from all over the world to be treated at CHOP.
01:12But often they cut their child's treatment short because they can't afford the hotels.
01:17I just need a little bit more time.
01:19Time that you weren't afforded to begin with.
01:21We have the opportunity to change the course of a deadly disease.
01:26Oh, good grief.
01:28Have you lost your mind?
01:31I'm not sorry for doing what I know is right for my children.
01:36Get them to see the importance of the staging system.
01:39It could change everything.
01:41Age is definitely another prognostic factor.
01:45There's a fine line between impulse and action, Doctor.
01:49Find the line, Audrey.
01:51My children count on me.
01:56They laugh with me.
01:58They cry with me.
02:00And they're counting on us.
02:03Each and every one of us.
02:06To rise to the occasion and figure this out.
02:10We owe it to them to do just that.
02:13Because they're your children too.
